Use case – Stringwire – live mobile citizen journalists


Stringwire – Share live, breaking news.

Stream your world real-time with live video from anywhere to audiences everywhere.

Share your perspective from the scene of breaking news
and become a Citizen Stringer

Collaborate with others to tell stories with live video from multiple perspectives

Share your world in real-time! Stringwire lets you lets you easily capture, share and discover live video as it happens.

Instantly stream video and notify followers and friends. Viewers can chat and search through video to find out whats happening live.

  • If you encounter a story, use Stringwire to stream live video.
  • Help break news and report events.
  • Invite others to watch your video in real-time.
  • Build your audience and follow other users.
  • All streamed video is automatically stored online for future viewing and sharing.
  • Be credited for video that you stream to Stringwire.
  • Collaborate with other Stringers to capture multiple perspectives of the same event.


Stringwire can now stream live video from a DJI Phantom 2 Vision+, the Parrot BeBop & Skycontroller and GoPro Series 3 devices using the external camera’s WiFi network to receive video, and the iOS device’s cellular network to stream to the internet.



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Stringwire is operated by NBCUniversal Media / Comcast.