Release Notes
We are excited to share our latest nanoStream Analytics updates with you, developed to improve usability and provide superior in-depth stream monitoring. For the full release notes, please visit our blog.
* Note: We are introducing a new distinction between the Analytics Dashboard and Analytics API. Release notes can be retrieved via the Analytics section on our blog with seperate posts and distinct version numbers for both.
Successful Plackback Start Ratio & Playback Start Error Metrics (SPSR & PSE): We are proud to officially reveal our new SPSR & PSE metrics. These metrics offer a large amount of additional breakdown options and will increase the observability of occuring issues at initial playback start (the first 30 seconds) by far.
Please be sure to check out our SPSR & PSE documentation, as well as the corresponding API Docs to fully understand the concept behind these metrics.
Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Ingest Metrics: We added SRT ingest monitoring to our set of monitoring routes. This means you can now also monitor ingest streams that use the SRT protocol.
API route for SRT ingest metrics monitoring: /api/v2/monitoring/ingest/srt/timeseries, containing details about:
- bitrate (combined video/audio)
- round trip time
- packet lost
- packet dropped
For more info please visit the corresponding API documentation.
World Map Metrics: We continue migrating more and more dashboard features to our public API and with this release version the basic world map metrics can now be accessed via API:
- Playout/Ingest: /api/v2/world/playoutIngest
- Buffering ratio: /api/v2/world/buffering/ratio
- Latency: /api/v2/world/latency
- Playtime: /api/v2/world/playtime
- Usage: /api/v2/world/usage
- ABR playtime: /api/v2/world/abr/playtime
- ABR viewer: /api/v2/world/abr/viewer
- ABR switches: /api/v2/world/abr/switches
H5Live Playtime Metrics: Additional H5Live playtime metrics are now available:
- browser: /api/v2/h5live/playtime/browser
- os: /api/v2/h5live/playtime/os
To support the latest updates, we’ve added specific pages and sections to our official documentation:
General Documentation
nanoStream Analytics API Documentation
nanoStream Anayltics Dashboard Login
More about available metrics within the Cloud Dashboard
Metrics within the Cloud Dashboard